Legislative Decree no. 102/2014 introduced the obligation to accounting and thermoregulation of heat in condominiums with central heating systems and the allocation of consumption costs in order to reduce energy consumption and the emission of gases responsible for the greenhouse effect.
The regulations were amended with the latest Legislative Decree no. 73 of July 14, 2020, published in the Official Gazette on July 14, 2020, and in force from the 29th of the same month, which introduces new features that will once again change the way in which energy expenses are allocated to condominiums, thus amending Legislative Decree no. 102/2014.
Below are the main changes introduced.
Heat costs allocation
The Uni 10200 is a technical standard that establishes the principles for the equitable sharing of winter air conditioning and domestic hot water expenses in condominium type buildings equipped or not with thermal energy metering devices. The standard establishes the criteria and indications for a correct and fair distribution of the total expenditure for heating and domestic hot water in condominium type buildings equipped with central heating systems.
The new Legislative Decree no. 73/2020, in article 9, proposes instead a criterion based on the attribution to voluntary consumption of at least 50% of the expenses related to the consumption of heat for heating, cooling, and hot water for domestic consumption. The remaining part, involuntary consumption, (corresponding therefore to a maximum of 50% of energy expenses) will be allocated according to a parameter that can be (by way of example) thousandths, square meters, or cubic meters useful or installed power.
The best way of allocating expenses will have to take into account the parameters that influence the energy performance of the building, such as climate factors and the year of construction, especially for building units with differences in heat demand per square meter of more than 50%, as demonstrated by a special report.
Invoicing of consumption
According to the new legislation, information on consumption invoicing must be provided to the final customer at least every two months and must be based on actual consumption or meter readings. The condominium administrator or, alternatively, another person identified by the users must be responsible for billing consumption. The latter must guarantee users, with full respect for computer security, the possibility of receiving free information on their energy consumption and billing information.
Remote readable meters
The new decree requires all supply meters, sub-meters, and metering systems installed after 25 October 2020 to be remotely readable.
In any case, from 1 January 2027, all elements used for energy metering within the metering system must be equipped with devices that allow remote reading.
Even with the introduction of the new Legislative Decree n.73/2020, equoBOX confirms its role as a general-purpose solution, leader in the world of energy metering and monitoring systems.
the most innovative solution of the equoBOX family offers:
It collects and transmits consumption data from all the remotely operable devices in the field for voluntary consumption monitoring
(gas-water-electricity meters, heat cost allocators and room probes) - HIGH DATA SECURITY AND FREQUENCY
Provides daily reports with data and alarms - PLUG & PLAY INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING
It’s powered! Install it once and it works forever and you can also configure it remotely! - ACCESSIBILITY FROM ALL DEVICES
The data is always at hand, everywhere.
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