
Efficiency & Innovation Path – Beyond Class A at MCE 2014

Our product EQUOBOX, presented for the selection of the “MCE 2014 Percorso Efficienza & Innovazione “, has been evaluated and accepted by MCE Scientific Committee chaired by a representative of the Polytechnic of Milan.
EQUOBOX has been evaluated and admitted not only to the “MCE 2014 Percorso Efficienza & Innovazione ” but also as a product of excellence among all those submitted for the exhibition event “OLTRE LA CLASSE A”.

During the Fair wide coverage to the “Percorso”  will be given  which will be clearly shown through a dedicated signage within the district and in the halls and all the communication tools used for visitors, such as the catalog of the exhibition and the Pocket Guide .
In Fair the “Guide to the  “Percorso Efficienza & Innovazione” will be then distributed , printed in 50,000 copies, which will contain the description of our product.

See the report on MCE website

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