Thermoregulation and Heat Metering, controls begin.

Thermoregulation and Heat Metering, controls begin.

From July 1st, the obligation for all condominiums with central heating is in effect.
The deliberation is not enough to be in order.

Contabilizzazione del calore - termoregolazione

Since July 1, 2017, it is definitely in force the obligation to provide centralized heating systems for thermoregulation and heat metering systems. In short, controls will release. Those who did not fit are likely to have a fine of 500 to 2500 euros for each real estate unit. This sanction, according to UNI 10200, is referred to the condominium rather than to the single owner.

It is not believed that the interpretation that the deliberation to appoint a firm is sufficient.

Only those who have obtained a so-called “esimente” relationship, where it is proved that the installation of these systems is ineffective in terms of cost, are exempt from any “innovative” intervention.

Interventions for the adoption of thermoregulatory systems must be notified to the cadastre of the thermal plants that the Regions and Autonomous Provinces have to set up. Each Region has regulated how to insert such information and it is therefore sufficient to query its system to understand which centralized plants have not been adapted to the legislation.
